Game Instructions
Welcome to Sudoku! Here's how to play:
Click any empty square and type numbers 1-9 to fill the grid. Each number can only appear once in every row, column, and 3x3 box. The orange guide shows which numbers you've used. Choose beginner, intermediate, or advanced difficulty and time yourself if you'd like.
Tips for solving:
- Break it down: Focus on one section at a time instead of the whole puzzle
- Count appearances: Use the small numbers in the corner of each button to see how many times a number is already placed. Click a number to highlight all its positions
- Use candidates: Click the black dot to add small numbers showing all possibilities for each square
- Find unique candidates: Look for numbers that only appear once as a possibility in any row, column, or box
- Spot pairs: When two squares in a box share the same two possible numbers, you can remove those numbers as options from other squares in that box