Dominoes Game

Game Instructions

Select a domino from your deck using your mouse, then drag it onto the board. You can only play dominoes that match the number on an open end. The player with the double six tile begins each round. If no one has the double six, the player with the highest number tile starts. Win each round by being the first to play all your dominoes. The first player to score 100 points wins the game.

You can choose from three different Dominoes games, each with unique rules. Try them all to find your favorite!

Classic: In classic mode, when you are unable to play a domino you must draw tiles until you draw a playable domino or until there are no dominoes left to draw, in which case you pass your turn. At the end of the game, the winner earns points based on the number of dots left on any dominoes left in their opponent's hand.

Block: In Block mode, when you are unable to play a domino, you must pass your turn. If no players can play a domino, or if one player plays all of their dominoes, the round ends. At the end of the round, the winner earns points equal to the number of dots on any dominoes left in their opponent's hand.

All-Fives: In all-fives mode, there is a new scoring rule - after a player plays a domino, if the sum of the domino dots on the open ends of the board is a multiple of 5, that player scores that many points. Otherwise, this plays similarly to Classic mode, except that you must score 150 points to win.

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